Since the early 1950’s, Scouts Queensland purchased properties which now form Baden-Powell Park, Campsite, Training & Activity Centre. The Park boasts a significant Scouting heritage and we are very proud of it. The primary purpose of this campsite is as a youth camping and training activity centre and then leisure caravan and other camping by external parties who are registered Supporters of Scouting through subscription. Short restrictions may be placed on access times to amenities blocks and the swimming pool to facilitate the primary purpose of delivering the Scout Youth Program.

Baden-Powell Park is a full check-in campsite. Everyone attending the site is required to check-in BEFORE accessing the campsite. If the office is unattended please call the Caretaker (number clearly visible outside office). Thank you!
Access and Roads

Queensland Road Rules apply at this campsite and the speed limit is 10km/h Shared Zone
• Speed limit on internal roads is 10km/h - there may be children present and caution must be exercised at all times.
• Vehicle traffic is restricted to marked roads, parking areas and caravan camping sites except with management permission.
• “Off roading” or inappropriate use of the campsite by any vehicle (4WDs, trail/motor bikes, etc.) will not be tolerated at any time.
Buildings and Facilities
• No tables and chairs, etc are to be removed from buildings.
• Please turn off lights and flood lights when not required (except amenity blocks).
• All buildings hired for exclusive use are to be left clean and tidy inside, tables and chairs stacked and doors and windows closed and locked, prior to departure. Kitchen(s) are to be mopped out, refrigerators emptied, cleaned and left running. All utensils, crockery and cutlery to be cleaned and placed back into their respective places.
• All breakages, damages or losses are the hirers’ responsibility. Arrangements for reimbursement must be agreed to prior to departure unless prior arrangements are approved. Accidental damage to equipment or buildings must be reported to the Warden on Duty or if not present, the Caretaker prior to departure.
• Amenity blocks are to be hosed out and bunkhouses must be cleaned and/or swept out upon departure using mops, cleaning cloths and materials supplied. A cleaning fee will be charged if the amenities block is left in an unsatisfactory condition.
• A pre and post inspection report will be undertaken by the Caretaker.
Bunk Beds
To comply with the Fair Trading (Safety Standards) Act 2011, the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4200:2012 “Bunk beds and other elevated beds” and Scouts Queensland Policy:
• Only persons 9 years of age and over may use the upper bunk beds.
• No playing on bunks at any time.
• Mattresses are to be left lying flat at all times and are not to be removed from buildings.
Swimming Pool
• Pool use is only during daylight hours for all guests - this is roughly between the hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm, depending on time of the year.
• The pool may be used by residents (eg Caretaker) and Groups who have booked at nighttime and only these persons may use the pool at night.
• All children under 10 years of age must be supervised by an adult.
• Pool users must be clean before entering the pool.
• No running around, diving, spitting, skylarking or excessive splashing in or around the pool that may cause injury or harm to yourself and/or enjoyment to others.
• No urinating in the pool.
• Discretion should be used by users who have open wounds and any band-aids removed (preferably if wearing a band-aid do not go in the pool).
• No chairs are allowed inside or outside the pool area and/or stacked against the pool fence.
• Access to the pool is restricted to the entrance gate of the fence. Jumping the fence to access the pool is not allowed.
• No food, drink or glass containers are allowed in the pool area.
• The pool area must be left in a tidy condition and rubbish removed.
• Hirers should book the use of the pool in peak periods which precludes the public from accessing at these times.
• Use of boogie boards, kayaks and other large objects are not permitted unless through a formal training program.
• Campsites are to be left clean and tidy along with the clearing of all obstructions to allow a clear path for mowing without endangering machinery or operators.
• Exclusive access to the site is only granted if previously specified, this will in most cases come with additional fees/minimum numbers for the booking.
• Activity areas and areas where activities are being run must be appropriately booked and may incur additional fees.
Campfires are welcome at this campsite as long as all guests follow the campfire rules.
• Campfires must not be lit on the ground anywhere.
• Campfire ash/coal must not be placed onto the ground anywhere.
• Never damage our flora to obtain firewood, bring your own or use fallen debris or provided firewood.
• Campfires must be in a fireplace with an ash/coal catching device or in a designated fireplace or campfire circle.
• Campfires must be attended at all times.
• Water must be available at all times nearby.
• Place all used ash/coal into existing campfire circles or the industrial bin (once cooled).
Amenities Blocks
• Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult when using amenities.
• Clean up after yourselves within amenity blocks using the hose/mops/brooms and cleaning materials provided upon your departure.
• Lighting in the amenity block is designed to be left on during the night. Please ensure that the lights are turned off during the day and prior to departure.

Do not flush baby nappies, sanitary items, cans, bottles etc. down our septic system. Use the bins provided.
Do not empty cassette toilets into our septic system - there is no dump point at this campsite.
Drugs and Alcohol
• Smoking is prohibited in all buildings, and within 5 metres of any building entrance on the site.
• Leaders/Youth Members or other adults over 18 years of age must not smoke in the presence of Youth Members.
• All Scout members of the Campsite and Activity Centre must adhere to the Scouts Australia, Queensland Branch Inc. ruling in relation to the consumption of alcohol. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and other performance affecting drugs by Adult Members prior to or during a day-to-day or adventurous activity is prohibited.
• No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed when Youth Members are in the vicinity.

The possession and or use of any banned or illegal substances is strictly prohibited.
Emergency Procedures
• Emergency evacuation diagrams showing the buildings escape routes are located in each building.
• The fire alarms are local only. In the event of an emergency please contact the Caretaker and or Triple Zero (000).
Your Location: Baden-Powell Park Rural Address Number: 68 Cash Avenue, Samford Village 4520
GPS Coordinates: (at the entrance gate to B-P Park) Latitude: 27 o22’29”S Longitude: 152o53’24”E
• The emergency assembly area is the grassed area in front of the Office/Caretakers residence for Boys Field and the Kulgun Activity Field below Charles S Snow Centre for Kulgun.
• The Leader / Person in Charge (or their delegate) is responsible for the safe evacuation of their group.
Firearms and Weapons
• Firearms or any other illegal weapons are strictly prohibited.
• Chainsaws are not welcome to be used on this campsite (campsite personnel and registered training courses excepted).
Flora and Fauna
• The campsite is a designated flora and fauna park hence green timber may not be cut or damaged without prior approval.
• Please do not handle or feed the wildlife, they live here in their natural habitat and enjoy good health. Please do not upset their lifestyle.

Please do not damage or remove any vegetation alive or dead, as this can be habitats of the wildlife.
Incidents and Injury Reporting
• Scouting: All incidents, injury and/or near-misses must be reported and documented as per Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions (QBSI).
• Non-Scouting: An incident report is to be completed with the Caretaker before leaving the Park covering any accident / incident on the property at any time.
• The campsite is situated between urban and semi-rural environments. Our neighbours are residential and the area has a generally low ambient noise level. In particular, amplified music is not suitable for this environment.
• Respect other people using the Park as well as our neighbours - keep noise levels down (to conversation level) after 9pm. It is expected that “Lights out” and all quiet will be no later than 10pm.
• Multiple activities are encouraged across the campsite. Each party is to ensure they observe the privacy of other users and not infringe upon other hirers’ sites / activities without their respective permission.
Parking of Vehicles and Caravans by Scout Members
• Ensure that all roadways and tracks are clear at all times. Please do not park vehicles to obstruct access to the track/road system or other designated no go or no parking areas.
• Tracks must remain clear for emergency vehicle entry at all times.
• Leaders and supervisors of events may occupy caravans and camps during the preparation, conduct and run-down of the visit in accordance with Section 5.8 of QBSI.
• Caravans and Camper Trailers are restricted to the public camping areas of the site only and are not welcome on the Kulgun side of the Park.
• The campsite is a designated flora and fauna park hence visiting pets must not be permitted to run loose and must be either on a lead or within pens at all times.
• Owners of pets are to clean up after their pets.
• An off-leash play area is available on O'Brien field however, pets must have strong recall to remain on the campsite.
• The Caretaker's dogs are not visiting pets and will often be off-leash in non-public accessible areas of the campsite.
• A number of trailer/industrial bins are provided for your use in the Park.
• Rubbish is to be placed in plastic liners and placed in these trailer bins during your stay.
• The campsite has blue 10c container recycling scheme bins on the campsite - please do not place any other rubbish in these bins.
• Please return empty, smaller bins to their original location (where you found it) when finished and deposited the rubbish in one of the trailer bins.
• There is currently no 'yellow lid bin' recycling on this campsite - place those items in the general waste bin or take them off-site with you.
Water Supply
• Drinking water is reticulated to taps located around the campsite.
• The water in the dam is for recreational use only by authorised Scout or Community Groups. The dam is in a non-public accessible part of the campsite so public are not permitted in the dam. This water is not to be used for drinking or cooking.

Please conserve water from our taps - all of which are drinking water.

The Dam at this campsite is currently closed due to water contamination which may cause serious illness. Until the water quality is rectified the dam will remain closed.
Caravans and Motorhomes and Tent Camping by Registered Supporters of Scouts Queensland (Public Guests)
In addition to the above, the following conditions will apply to registered Supporters of Scouts Queensland (Public Guests)
• Supporters whose normal place of residence is in excess of 100km from the campsite and, who are touring, may camp for a total continuous period not exceeding two weeks.
• Supporters must be off-site for two (2) days following a 14 day stay, before another booking can be made at any Scouts Queensland campsite.
• Caravan camping is not permitted as a person’s normal place of residence on either a temporary or permanent basis.
• Consumption of alcohol is restricted to the immediate vicinity of the caravan, motorhome and/or tent site.
• Use of the swimming pool and amenities blocks may be restricted during occasions youth members are present - check the sign at the pool gate before entering.
• All caravan 240V electrical equipment to be within test date and tagged.
• Caravan sullage is to be broadcast on the ground via a sock on the end of the sullage hose.
• There is no waste dump point facility at the campsite. All such waste must be taken from site. The nearest Dump Point is located in the Dayboro Showgrounds, 3512 Mt Mee Road, Dayboro.
• Visitors are required to check-in with the Caretaker on arrival. Visitors to paying guests are not welcome to use facilities eg pool, without paying the day visitor fee.
Camping is limited to a maximum of 14 continuous days during any one stay. The public guest/s must leave the site after the 14th day. 
Following any stay, there must be a minimum two (2) days away from any Scouts Queensland property, before being allowed to return.

Supporters/Public Camping may do so at Scouts Queensland campsites for a maximum of 100 days in a twelve-month period.
Additional Charges May Apply
In addition to the published prices, the following may incur additional charges on the card used to secure a booking:
• $50 sorting fee will be charged for hirers who do not ensure that the blue 10c container recycling scheme bins are only used for 10c recycling items
• $50 site cleaning fee will be charged for public campers who damage the ground through unauthorised fire and or leave ashes/coal on the ground in contravention of the campsite fire rules.
• $50 site cleaning fee will be charged for hirers who leave rubbish on the ground.
Your co-operation in adhering to these rules is greatly appreciated. Any persons found to be in contravention of any of the above rules could be directed to vacate the property.
We hope you enjoy your stay.