How to Account for Fair Play Vouchers in Xero

How to Account for Fair Play Vouchers in Xero

Fair Play Vouchers

All Fair Play Vouchers should be emailed to to ensure they are redeemed in a timely manner.

What can Fair Play Vouchers be used for?

The voucher can only be used for membership, registration or participation fees. It does not cover equipment or uniforms.

Fair Play Redemption Process for Groups

Email a copy of the PDF FairPlay voucher to

The voucher is checked against SMS for active membership then a credit note is raised for the $150.00 voucher (or $200 for the 2024/25 round). If a new member has a ‘Invoice the Individual’ joining membership invoice you will only receive the balance of the FairPlay voucher. E.g. Joining fee Invoice for $132.00 you will receive $18.00.

Each Formation will receive one bills credit note per week (if you have any FairPlay redemptions) and this will show the Youth Members name, FairPlay voucher number and value of their credit. Please note if the FairPlay voucher is used for an ‘Invoice the Individual’ enrolment invoice only the balance will be transferred to the Group.

Fair Play Redemption in Xero
Xero-Business-Bills to Pay-Green down arrow- New Credit note. You can cut and paste the info from the bills credit note into Xero then code to 415 – Membership Fees or where you code your membership invoices from Branch. Approve, this can be used against any Scouts Qld invoice.


The following steps will pass on the credit to the family for membership or term fees/subs

Xero – Business-Invoices-New Credit Note

Enter the family contact in ‘To’, cut and paste the info from the bills credit into ‘Reference’ and ‘Description’ then the amount of the voucher credited to your Group, enter 200 - Membership Fees or where you code your membership new and renewal fee revenue. Approve the credit note. If there are invoices outstanding, you can apply the credit note directly to the invoice/s.

The Fair Play voucher has now been fully credited to the family. Send a brief email or remittance advice to if you are using any credit notes to pay your invoices to advise how they have been allocated, a screen shot of the Allocate Credit step would be an easy way to show the allocations. 'Paying' the invoices by a bills credit in your Xero doesn't update the Branch Xero. 

You can request a refund or partial refund of the FairPlay bills credit note by emailing: There will only be one refund per Formation at the end of each month. Alternatively, you can leave the full credit note towards your membership renewals invoice in October.

Please note, where fees are greater than $200, the difference is to be paid by the parent, carer or guardian. Where fees are less than $200 the balance is not redeemable in cash and vouchers are not transferable so can only be used for the fees for the child named on the particular voucher.

Once redeemed a voucher cannot be refunded in full or part to the family and can only be transferred in full to another eligible provider.

We welcome feedback and suggestions on any matters on this Fact Sheet. Please contact us by emailing

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