Project phases

Project phases

There are five main phases of any project and two core templates to be completed in each phase:



Project status for register


    • ​Identify the need​
    • ​Set project objectives and initial scope
    • Determine budget
    • Prepare draft Project CONCEIVE Phase document and lodge within the PMO register. A project code will be issued at this stage.
    • Seek funding allocation



    • Determine stakeholders
    • Prepare justification / business case
    • Finalise and agree scope
    • Determine outcomes of budget, time & quality
    • Analyse and evaluate options and cost benefits
    • Build a risk register
    • Prepare Project PLAN Phase document
    • Develop Project management plan (PMP)
    • Seek project approval



    • Project budget available for use
    • Undertake activities and tasks in accordance with PMP
    • Report progress against project deliverable and milestone outcomes. Project Status report requests are submitted online via the link sent to the Project Manager monthly. A copy of the submission is automatically sent via email to the Project Manager upon submission. 
    • Involve and communicate with stakeholders
    • Plan for project completion



    • Review outcomes and benefits
    • Make recommendations for future projects
    • Review, evaluate and prepare project reports



    • Complete activities and tasks in accordance with PMP as planned/varied
    • No further expenditure allowed


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