Restricting Future Booking

Restricting Future Booking

SOP Details


CheckFront Booking

Restricting Future Booking



SOP Number


Activity Description

Every twelve months The Branch and Training Calendar will be released around August/September for the following year. It is standard policy that no other bookings will be accepted in the new year until The Branch and Training Calendar have been entered into the system.

This process outlines the steps which are required every year to Restrict Future Bookings

Associated Forms, References or other SOPs



Procedure Steps

Responsible Person


Log into CheckFront

Manager Facilities and Risk


Click on the “Inventory” Menu


Manager Facilities and Risk


Select “Item Event”


Manager Facilities and Risk


Click on the “+ New Item Event” button


Manager Facilities and Risk


Click on the Inventory Status “Unavailable” radio button


Manager Facilities and Risk


Enter the following text in the “Name” field:

“Restricting Future Booking” + YYYYY


Manager Facilities and Risk


In the start date, select the 1 January in the following year and click the small button next to “Remove End Date”



Manager Facilities and Risk


In the “Apply to” section, ensure that all the bookable categories that need to be restricted are selected


Manager Facilities and Risk


Click on the “Create” button


Manager Facilities and Risk


When required, the booking block is disabled by slecting on the relavent event 

And clicking on the “disable” button on the left hanbd soide menu


Manager Facilities and Risk

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