How to Use the Scouts Australia Brand

How to Use the Scouts Australia Brand

With the launch of the new Scouts Australia Brand in January 2019, Scouts now have an exciting opportunity to produce modern designs using the new branding. When using the new brand, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure we maintain the brand integrity. This article outlines the key things you must do when using the Scouts Australia Brand. 

Refer to the Brand Book
Scouts Australia has issued a Brand Book that outlines all the do's and don'ts to ensure the brand integrity is maintained. In the Brand Book you’ll find details about our logo, imagery, colours, graphics and more. Each of us is a Brand Ambassador. So it’s up to us to deliver clear, consistent and compelling communications that will help Scouting grow! The Brand Book can be accessed through the Scouts Australia Brand Centre (which is also where you can download Branded Artwork) or by clicking here. Before starting your new designs, it is imperative you look through this resource to ensure you understand how to use the brand correctly. 

How We Support Scout Groups
The Scouts Queensland Brand and Sponsorship Team's role in the implementation of the new Brand is to support you and your Formation with the local application of the Brand. We have developed resources such as brochures, marquee designs, signs and more for use in Queensland which are accessible on the Scouts Queensland Website. There is further information on branding and what is available to you in the form of the Brand Companion Document.

If what you are hoping to use is not on our website yet, or if you would like to try something new, contact us at

All Artwork Must be Submitted to the Brand and Sponsorship Team for Approval
All Artwork using the Scouts Australia Branding must be submitted to the Brand and Sponsorship Team at for approval prior to production. This is to ensure the use of the brand is in line with the Scouts Australia copyright requirements. The Brand and Sponsorship Team will forward all clothing and merchandise designs to the National Office for confirmation in accordance with the requirements of the Brand Book. 

Trademarks and Copyright
The Scouts Australia logo is a registered trademark owned by the National organisation of Scouts Australia, we can therefore legally protect our trademarks from misuse and ensure they are used to benefit Scouting. The National organisation of Scouts Australia also owns the copyright on all art and words outlined in this Brand Book and featured in the Brand Centre at This means that we can ensure that the elements are used correctly - by our members and others.

If you have any questions before your begin your next branded project, let us know at

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