The new Scouts QLD calendar is a combined Branch and Training calendar presented in a digital calendar format. The following guide is designed to help you navigate and use the calendar.
The default view of the calendar displays all events for the current month.
You can adjust the month the calendar displays using using the up and down arrows to move forward and backward through the months:
Clicking on the month allows you to select a specific date to display:
The options on the right-hand side of the calendar change the time period being displayed:
The Scouts QLD calendar uses Refiners to allow you to refine or filter the items being displayed for you on the calendar.
The refiners can be found on the left-hand side of the calendar and there are 4 layers of filtering.
In each layer the default is to select all refiner options, this is what is displayed when you load the calendar.
Applicable to: is the event specific to a section, available to everyone (statewide) or training related – the applicable to allows you to filter out the events that are not applicable to your role.
For example if you only wanted to see training course options, the steps would take are as follows:
Untick Select All to turn all applicable to refiners off, then tick the three training refiners on.
The calendar will now only show the items that match these refiners:
Please note this is designed to add an event to an Outlook Calendar via the Outlook app or Outlook for Web.
Step 1: Obtain the event file from Branch Calendar:
Select the event you want to add to your personal calendar, then click on Add to Outlook
This will download an .ics file to your device.
Add the event to your calendar using Outlook for web (Outlook in browser)
Open your Calendar in your browser then select Add calendar
Select Upload from file then use browse to select the file downloaded:
You will then need to select the calendar you want to add the event too (by default will be a single calendar in the list:
Select the calendar then select import
The event will import and show a message:
The event will now display your on your personal calendar