Smiley Face Feedback App

Smiley Face Feedback App

How to use the App

Step 1: Click on this link to access the app: Feedback Faces - Power Apps
  1. You can access this from your internet browser on a Phone, tablet or laptop / desktop.
  2. The first time you access the app, you may be asked by Microsoft to give permissions to use the app and store your responses. Click on OK/ Confirm.
  3. All data and access is within the Scouts Queensland Microsoft environment.
Step 2: Enter a meaningful event name at the top of the screen where it says "Enter Event Name"
  1. This identifies your activity, so use something unique.
  2. "Maroochydore Joeys - 22 April 2024" is specific and unique
  3. "Cuboree Camp C Day 1" is also specific
  4. "Venturer Camp" or "Scouts 22 April 2024" are too generic and will likely be used by lots of people, resulting in poor feedback data (as it all gets mixed up).

Step 3: Get your youth to click on the face that represents the feedback they would like to give.
  1. Best results occur when the feedback is being provided anonymously. Try to ensure that the person collecting the feedback can't see which button the youth member pressed.
  2. Each press is recorded individually.
  3. There are no follow-up questions - we leave that to you as part of your review.
Step 4: Get your feedback results by pressing the chart button in the top right corner of the app.
  1. This will show you the breakdown of what ratings were given.
  2. Use this to frame some questions as part of your review:
    1. "A quarter of people didn't like the activity. What could we have done to make it better?"
    2. "All of you liked this activity. What made it so good - so we can do more of that?

Troubleshooting / FAQ's

To be updated once questions have been asked!

Got a question? Contact with any queries you have on the app.

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