Slido is a polling and audience interaction tool accessible via your browser or using the Slido app.
The app is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store - search for SLIDO
There are 3 ways to access or join a Slido poll
Via a link: If you have a link to a slido poll in the format you can click the link on your device and the poll will load in your browser
Via the Slido Website using the poll code: On the Slido website enter your code in the box at the top of the screen, then click the arrow to proceed
Using a QR code:
If a QR code has been made available you can scan the code on your device and open your browser when prompted - this will take you directly to the poll
Slido Polling Screen (Browser)
As polls become available, they will appear in the main section off the screen - you will be able to vote on a poll by clicking on the option when presented.