Facility Management
Tree Removal
Tree Removal Practical Guide Introduction Tree removal is a necessary process when trees pose safety risks or obstruct land use. However, in Queensland, specific regulations apply, requiring permits in many instances. Scout groups, whether planning ...
Concrete Cancer
Introduction What is Concrete Cancer? Concrete cancer is a structural issue that occurs when the steel reinforcing bars (rebar) inside the concrete start to corrode. This corrosion is primarily caused by the exposure of the steel to water and air, ...
Shipping Containers
Introduction Shipping containers have been a popular storage solution at Scout sites due to their affordability, flexibility, and ease of use. However, recent changes in regulations have introduced stricter guidelines regarding their use for both ...
Electrical Work
Introduction Under section 18 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act), electrical work includes: "the manufacturing, constructing, installing, testing, maintaining, repairing, altering, removing, or replacing of electrical equipment". This covers ...
Facility Maintenance and Development Plan
The Scouts Queensland Facility and Risk Team, are currently trialing a new tool intended to assist groups in their Facility Maintenance requiremtns . As this is a new tool, we welcome any feedback to facilities@scoutsqld.com.au Further instructions ...
Gutter Cleaning
Introduction Preventive maintenance is when work is performed on a facility to increase its life or prevent a long term failure. This is considered best practice, but is often overlooked as it will often require spending before there is a major ...
Pest Management
Introduction The Scout Hall and associated structures are the most valuable physical assets the association holds. Many of these are older wooden structures, that require regular maintenance to keep in a usable condition. In recent times there have ...
Illegal Dumping
Introduction Illegal dumping is classified is the unlawful deposit of any type of waste material that is 200 litres or more in volume (about the volume of a wheelie bin), with penalties that can apply. Smaller volumes are still a nuisance but would ...
Septic Tank Maintenance
Introduction Many of our campsites and Scout Halls have septic systems for managing the onsite liquid waste. These are typically very low maintenance but do need regular inspection. The septic tank generally consists of a tank (often in two ...
Deterring Graffiti
Introduction Graffiti is defined as a mark made by leaving scratches, spraying, writing, drawing, applying paint or another marking substance to another person's property without the owners' permission. As Scout facilities are often unattended, they ...
Building Shutdown Procedures
Introduction As part of the routine program a Scout Hall may at times be left unattended for an extended period. This document is an outline for Formation Leaders to follow when performing non-emergency, planned shutdowns of a Scout Facility. The ...
Maintenance Planning
Introduction Scouts Queensland has a 'duty of care' and is responsible for ensuring that buildings are fit-for-purpose and maintained in accordance with all relevant regulations, and community standards. Under QBSI 5.3.1 Scout Groups, Districts, ...